Meet the Team Meet the Team Our Board Our board consists of local professionals, community, business volunteers who commit their time and input into governing our Hospice. Jeff Morgan-Hill lorka hayman Dr Sonia Van der Spuy Lionel Adendorf Patrick Dickson Dr Alison Kamffer Wynand Wagner Our Core Management Team This team consists of the managers responsible for each department in the organisation Mariek Dettbarn General Manager Sr Malene van Deventer Patient Care Manager Priscilla Brown Resource Development Manager Patient Care Team Sr Sharon Palliative Care Nurse sr cathy Palliative Care Nurse Nerina social worker Robertha Palliative Care Social and Spiritual Councellor Integrated Home and Community Based Services Sr Leandra Oerson Nurse Coordinator Sr Sandra Lawrence Nurse Coordinator Coordinators Sandy finance Petro Human Resources Support Service Susan finance assistant Chantel Resource Development Jacky Office Administrator Rose Housekeeping Donnie maintenance assistant SHARE THIS: